- 2024/10/212024.10.23-25 4th IWC-HTC participate in the exhibition
- 2024/10/192024.10.16 FusionX Invest Japan Factory Tour visited FFJ
- 2024/10/012024.10.15-16 FFJ will take part of FusionXInvest Japan
- 2024/09/18Achieved cumulative delivery record of 5,000km
- 2024/08/252024 9.01~06 FFJ will participate in the presentation and Exhibition at ASC2024
- 2024/06/212024.8.27-30 FFJ Support "The 2nd Plasma / Nuclear Fusion Youth Summer School"
- 2024/05/022024.4.27-5.4 ICSM-ICQMT-2024 Oral presentation
- 2024/04/282024.4.22~ 2024MRS Spring Meeting CTO gave invited lecture
- 2024/04/22Interviewed by MRS TV.
- 2024/04/20We held an opening ceremony for our new factory.
- 2024/04/10Announcement of business partnership with Zenno Astronautics
- 2023/12/08CEO Sergey Lee gave a lecture at the 6th Asian Superconductivity School.
- 2023/12/072023.12.11~ MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA 2023 CEO will give invited lecture, Exhibit.
- 2023/12/0404 December, 2023 Exhibited at the Autumn Meeting of CSJ in Shimonoseki, Japan.
- 2023/11/1828 Nov., 2023~ Faraday Factory Japan will exhibit at "The 36th ISS-2023" in Welington, New Zealand.
- 2023/11/082023.11.12~ CEO Sergey Lee will give an invited lecture at "IREF23"
- 2023/11/062023.11.6~ Attend "ISIS-30"
- 2023/10/2910/29~ ACASC-Asian ICMC2023 Oral presentation and participate in the exhibition.
- 2023/10/06Faraday 1867 Holdings LLC, and Coherent Corp. , have signed a letter of intent outlining their future technology cooperation.
- 2023/09/064 presentations at 16th EUCAS 2023