Faraday Factory Japan LLC |The company manufactures and sells superconducting wires (tapes) used in the development of nuclear fusion reactors and electric motors.

Quotation Request

For inquiries and consultation, please fill out the form below. We will reply to you after confirming the contents.
Please be sure to read the privacy policy, and if you agree, please click the "Agree and confirm " button.

Name ※must be filled in
Affiliation ※must be filled in
If not, write "none" please.
E-mail address ※must be filled in
E-mail address (Confirmation) ※must be filled in
Message ※must be filled in
Privacy policy
Faraday Factory Japan GK (hereinafter referred to as "our company") keeps personal information of customers when providing various services.
We will protect personal information and strive to provide our customers with even greater reliability and peace of mind.
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and will handle personal information appropriately.